The network’s objectives are:
1. Increase research capacity in gambling studies:
- Facilitate and encourage scientific research and interdisciplinary collaboration;
- Encourage networking between researchers from different disciplines and conceptual/methodological backgrounds, and institutions;
- Promote opportunities for early career members to collaborate on national and international projects, research and committees;
- Facilitate connections and the sharing of knowledge/skills between early career members.
2. Promote the sharing and use of knowledge:
- Encourage and facilitate interaction between researchers within the gambling field;
- Promote knowledge transfer in the field of gambling studies through a dynamic Web platform, e.g. monthly newsletter, exchanges and reflexivity activities (blogs, lunchtime videoconferences, and conference events), fortnightly “think piece” articles by established and emerging gambling scholars;
- Provide an online environment where early career members can communicate about relevant issues (e.g. website, Twitter).
3. Foster mentorship:
- Encourage mentorship between early and late career researchers;
- Promote long lasting collegial support to manage the risky and uncertain nature of this career phase during one’s academic trajectory;
- Enable informal mentoring for early career members through connections with more experienced leaders in the field.